Saturday 21 September 2013

  1.  Citric acid cycle takes place in the    
a. Mitochondria                  b. Lysosome
c. Endoplasmic reticulum   d. All the above. 

  1. Prokaryotic ribosomes are
a. 10 S           b. 20 S         c. 70S         d. 80S

  1. The organelle that lacks a double membrane is
a. Mitochondria                  b. Lysosome
c. Ribosome                       d.  Nucleus

  1. Cell wall is rigid because of
a. Pectin                      b. Lignin
c. Hemicellulose         d. Cellulose

  1. Major function of mitochondria in a cell is
a. Secretion                      b. Osmoregulation
            c. Excreation                    d. Fat synthesis

  1. Energy currency of cell is
a. ATP                    b. NAD           c. FAD          d. FMN

  1. Autolysis is a function of
a. Peroxisomes                 b.Glyoxisomes
c. Lysosomes                   d. Kinetosomes

  1. An octamer of four histones complexed with DNA is called
a. Centrosome                  b. Nucleosomes
c. Mesosomes                  d. Endosomes

  1. Most of the hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes fuction at
a. Acidic pH                          b. Basic pH
c. Neutral pH                        d. Any pH

  1. Ribosomes were discovered by
a. Palade              b. de Roberits           c. Golgi            d. Porter

  1. Chloroplasts contain
a. 50s ribosomes          b. 80s ribosomes
c. 70s ribosomes          d. No ribosomes

  1. Lysosomes are discovered by
a. Robert Hook               b. Purkyne
c. Hertwig                      d. Christian de Duve

  1. Which is the smallest cell organelle?
a. Lysosomes                       b. Ribosomes
c. Sphaerosomes                 d. Glyoxisomes

  1. The organelle not bound by a membrane is
a. Nucleus                          b. Mitchondria
c. Centriode                       c. Chloroplast

  1. Lysosomes are generally found in
    1. Animal cells
    2. Both animal and plant cells
    3. Planet cells
    4. Bacterial cells

  1. Silicified cell wall is unique to
a. Blue Green Algae           b. Green bacteria
c. Diatoms                          d. Dinoflagellates

  1. The term protoplast was coined was coined by
    1. Robert Hooke
    2. Antony Von Leeuwenhoek
    3. Purkinje
    4. Hertwig

  1. Ribosomes can be seen within
a. Endoplasmic reticulum         b. Lysosomes
c. Golgi complex                      d. Mitochondria

  1. Acrosome of human sperm is made up of
a. Endoplasmic reticulum            b. Golgi complex
c. Lysosomes                               d. Centroids

  1. Glycolysis pathway was discovered by
a. Calvin                          b. Krebs
c. J.C. Bose                     d. None of the above

  1. Both respiration and photosynthesis require
a. Magnesium                      b. Cytochrome
c. Energy                             d. All of above

  1. DNA replication takes place in
a. S phase                     b. Go phase
c. G2 phase                  d. M phase

     1.a        2.c      3.b      4.b        5.d       6.a       7.c
     8.b        9.a     10.a     11.c      12.d     13.a     14.c
     15.b      16.c   17.c     18.d      19.b     20.b     21.d


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