Saturday 19 October 2013


Nursing a sick child often requires more skill and understanding. The mind of a child works differently. He has no experience to guide him. A sick child is naturally afraid, even if you have told him he will be well again in a few days.
Child’s imagination: Every child has a highly active imagination, which becomes even more sensitive when he is sick. You must be careful not to increase his fears. Children have heard adults tell tales about illness and death, including all harrowing details. This sort of exaggeration is harmful to child. Then when he becomes ill, and his imagination is already working overtime, he may be almost scared to death. Therefore, try to keep him calm and quiet. Another instance of the fear in a child is the moment when the doctor prescribes an injection. If so, be sure to set a good example yourself. Don’t cringe when the doctor opens his bag. The child may be watching how you react in this emergency. If you are calm and cheerful, he will try to follow your example.
Fortunately, Nature is kind to young children. Most of their illness last only a few days at most. One minute they seem to be sick and at another they are up and running around as if nothing had happened. Except in certain crippling diseases, they rarely have to stay long in bed.
When your child is sick, be sure to consult the doctor early in the day. Don’t wait till midnight, merely hoping for the best. Remember, the earlier the doctor is consulted, the better for the child and also for yourself. A young child does not have the reserve energies of an adult. He can go downhill very rapidly with certain types of infection. Don’t take a chance, consult the doctor early.
Should you pamper your child? Not necessarily. All children like to be considered as heroes. So don’t pamper your child when he is sick. Sometimes they refuse to take prescribed diet and demand their choice. When this happens, try to explain the child how the planned and prescribed diet helps him become normal soon. Help him to act like a grown-up. At the same time do not make a simple illness seem too important. If your child gets too much attention, he may prefer to remain sick or feign sick.

Don’t allow too many visitors at home when your child is sick. Allow him to see Nature as much as possible. Narrate stories with happy endings. He may want to hear some favourite story over and over again. Either you read for him or narrate. Talk about cheerful things and avoid all morbid discussions. The child recovers fast and brings cheer in you.


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