Friday 20 September 2013

  • Poorwill is the only bird known to hibernate.
  • The fish showing phenomenon of ‘Male pregnancy’ is Seahorse.
  • Ostrich buries its head in the sand to protect itself from its enemy.
  • Humming bird is capable of backward flight.
  • King cobra is the largest poisonous snake in the world.
  • The only known poisonous lizard is Heloderma.
  • Sloth Bear from South America is the slowest moving mammal.
  • Axolotl Larva exhibits “Neoteny or Paedogenesis”(the Larva starts reproduction) without changing into Adult.
  • The common name of amphibian ‘Rhacophorus’ is flying frog.
  • Stone fish is the most poisonous fish in the world.
  • Cheetah is the fastest running mammal.
  • Royal Albatross is the largest seabird.
  • Duck Bill Platypus is an egg laying ‘Oviparous’ mammal.
  • The most poisonous snake in the world is Peninsular Tiger Snake.
  • Bat is the only mammal that can actually/truly fly.


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