Saturday 21 September 2013

I know my this post helps you that how you conserve your battery power if you reach in any remote areas and you have no charger of your phone. It will shows you how to keep your battery well. Ok, so these are the steps for prolong the life of your rechargeable battery.

How to prolong the life of your cell phone rechargeable battery

  • If you are in an area with no reception, e.g a basement or remote area, turn the cell phone off since constantly searching for service depletes the battery fairly quickly.
  • The vibrate function uses up a lot of battery power. So, switch it off when not needed and use only the ring tone.
  • The back light of the phone uses up power- either turn it off or set it reduce the time for which it is on.
  • Turn off Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS and infrared capability when not in use- they drain the battery pretty fast.
  • High temperature is an enemy of the battery. Keep the battery cool- avoid leaving your phone in a hot car or in direct sunlight.
  • Initialize a new battery by charging it fully before its first use to obtain maximum capacity. Nickel-based batteries should be charged for 16 hours initially and run through 2-4 full charge/full discharge cycles. Lithium ion batteries should be charged for about 5-6 hours.
  • Charge your battery correctly, in accordance with its type. Most new cell phones have lithium-ion batteries, while older ones generally have nickel-based batteries. A good rule to follow for nickel-battery cell phones is to discharge them completely once every two to three weeks, and then charge them fully. This is not necessary for lithium-ion batteries.
  • A battery which is not being used should be stored in a cool place- put it in a ‘zip lock’ bag and store in a refrigerator. Do not store a battery fully charged- charge it about 40% before storage.
  • Similar batteries are used in laptops and cameras, so the same rules apply for charging and storage.


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