Monday 23 September 2013

The word ‘unique’ denotes ‘one of its kind’ or something very special. Some animals are quite unique in this sense. For instance, the blue whale is unique for its giant size and so also glow worms “Luciferae” that emit greenish glow at night. Likewise, there are a few more creatures which are unique.
Leech the parasite doctor, is a very special physician. Dr Andreas Michalsen and colleagues from Essen, Germany reported that Leech therapy is quite effective in treating patients with osteoarthritis. Twenty-four patients with this wear and tear of the ageing knee problem were given one-shot leech therapy. They allowed four to six leeches to attach themselves to each knee and drink blood for about an hour. They found leech therapy was far more effective than drug therapy.
Leech therapy which benefits those with other causes of pain, was used by the ancient Egyptians, Greek and Indian medicine men. They used the leech to help maintain the humoral balance in the body. They attached leech to the body for the cure, and detached it by sprinkling some slat water.
How it acts as a physician: The leech which is used in medicine is called Hirudo
 Medicinalis. It has five pair of eyes and two sucker both on its front and back side.     .
The head sucker searches and penetrates while the back sucker holds fast to the host. The
Bite of hirudo is painless because it has an anaesthetic that makes the host feel nothing. This substance is under atudy.
The effect of its saliva:  The leech saliva has many other molecules of great medicinal interest. One of the molecules is a vaso-dilator and a histamine that increases the diameter of blood vessels, helping to promote blood flow. Another is an enzyme called hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, the bonding material of the connective tissue, thus fostering the flow of blood and fluids from affected areas. Another substance in leech saliva is hirudin. It is the most potent inhibitor of blood clotting known to date. Hirudin in leech helps continued blood flow by breaking off the aggregated fibrin plugs that clot and seal blood leaks. Hirudin also shuts off the mechanisms of Factor VIII mediated blood coagulation. Genetic engineers in England are successful in cloning the gene for hirudin and manufacture it through recombinant DNA technology. We have to be thankful to the leech for the benefits it has opened up for modern medicine. Hirudin made it possible to have its cousins balellin and eglin.
How much blood it drinks: Leech drinks hardly 15ml our of the 3000-5000 ml of the human blood. And having drunk, the parasite doctor moves on to chew the cud for six months.


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