Wednesday 25 December 2013

10 Important Questions That TestHow Good Are You At Elementary Astronomy?

1. At some time in the night a person saw a half moon setting in the west. What time is likely to be?
(a)Midnight                                                                                   (b)Before sunrise
(c)Approximately 3 am                                                            (d)The time depends on the month

2. When a crescent moon is seen to be setting, will the convex edge or the concave edge be downwards?
(a)Always the concave edge
(b)Always the convex edge
(c)Concave edge if before sunset
(d)Concave edge if after sunset

3.Some planets when seen through a telescope show phases like the moon does. Of the following, which is one of them?

4.The biggest units that are the first subunits constituting the universe are
(d)Objects bigger than galaxies called clusters of galaxies

5.We know that during a total solar eclipse, there is a brief nightfall for about two to three minutes in the region it occurs. The sky becomes star-studded, so much so that birds start returning to their nests! The stars that are seen during this eclipse time
(a)will all again be seen on the night that follows
(b)will be seen again on the night that follows, only if they were to the east of the sun
(c)will be seen again on the night that follows, only if they were to the west of the sun
(d)will not be seen on the night that follows

6.Why do planets closer to the sun lack moons?
(a)They are too small to harbour a satellite
(b)The tidal effect of the sun's gravitational does not allow moons
(c)The giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn have captured all their moons
(d)Comets passing close by have knocked off their moons

7. Suppose today evening, the star Sirius is rising in the east. After 3 months, in the evening,
(a)It will not be seen in the sky
(b)It will be seen in between the zenith and the eastern horizon
(c)It will again be seen rising
(d)It will be seen in between the zenith and the western horizon

8. Suppose it is daytime at a place on the moon. How many heavenly objects are seen in the lunar sky?
(a)Exactly one: the sun
(b)Exactly two: the sun and the Earth
(c)Almost as many as you can see at night from the Earth
(d)One or two depending upon the location

9. In a total solar eclipse and an annular solar eclipse
(a)In the latter the sun is farther from the earth than in the former
(b)In the former the sun is farther from the earth than in the latter
(c)In the latter the moon is farther from the earth than in the former
(d)In the former the moon is farther from the earth than in the latter

10. If conditions are favourable for an annular solar eclipse to occur, in which season of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is it likely to occur?

For Answers of the above questions, Click Here.


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