Monday 26 August 2013

A child is a harbinger of joy in the family.When we look at the human race we find it is divided into two sexes-male and female.The questions that immediately arise in our minds are: Why don't all people belong to one sex?What is it that determines the sex of a child?A woman becomes capable of bearing a child after she starts menstruation .Between the 10th and the 18th days from on the onset of menstruation,the reproductive organs of a woman produce an egg called 'Ovum.During this period if a woman mates with a man,a sperm present in the semen of the man fertilises the egg.The combination of the ovum of the female and the sperm of the male results in the formation of the embryo in the women.
This Diagram shows the structure of Chromosomes
 The ovum of the female and the sperms of the male contain sex chromosomes.The ovum have only one type of chromosomes called X chromosomes.But the sperms have two types of sex chromosomes called X and Y chromosomes respectively.X chromosomes are slightly bigger than Y chromosomes in size.If during the process of conception, X chromosomes from the sperms fertilized the ovum, a girl is born.If, however, Y chromosome fertilizes the ovum, male child is conceived.Hence the combination of Y-X chromosomes leads to the conception of a male child.
The fusion of the sperms and ovum to formation of zygote.
  Sometimes in uneducated families women are blamed for bearing only daughters.But,as it is evident,females are not responsible for this.It is purely biological process and the birth of a male or female entirely depends upon the behaviour of the sex chromosomes of the male sperms. 
A sleep-walker walks or performs other actions during sleep.Sleep-walking is otherwise known as 'Somnambulism'. Some people have a peculiar habit of getting up from bed at night, changing clothes and going out for a walk.And while doing all these things they still remain in the state of sleep.They are not conscious of what they do in that state.
 To know why this happens,we must stand what sleep is.According to the established scientific facts,there is a complex region in our brain which is known as "sleep centre".This centre controls the activities like sleeping and walking.It is regulated by calcium in our blood.During the day when we are awake and most of the parts of our body are functioning, lactic acid, calcium and other substances are produced in the body and get mixed in the blood.Ad later when calcium is carried by the blood to the sleep centre, it becomes active and brings the man to sleep.

The functions of the sleep centre
The sleep centre has two functions in the body.First, it blocks a part of the brain and so we do not feel like doing anything.We might call this "brain sleep".Secondly, it blocks certain nerves in the brain and hence the inner organs and our limbs become inactive and we fall asleep.
 But in some cases, brain goes to sleep and the body remains awake.This might happens to a person whose nervous system does not function normally.A person afflicted by such disorder would get up from bed and walk about.In this situation the brain is in a state of sleep while the body is awake.This happens because of the lack of coordination between the brain and the body. 

Saturday 24 August 2013

Dutch botanist and geneticist Hugo de Vries is chiefly known for suggesting the concept of genes and for developing a mutation theory of evolution.De Vries was born in 1848.In his experiments on the evening primrose, in 1900,De Vries rediscovered Mendel's laws of heredity and developed his own theory that he published in his book "The Mutation Theory".He explained mutations as sudden, unpredictable changes in an organism that can be passed on the offspring.He proposed that this is how new species develop and evolve.His discovery helped in establishing Darwin's theory universaly.
   He died in 1935.  
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